Rabu, 06 Juni 2012


A.  Cara Membuka
Untuk membuka program Macromedia Flash 8 Anda dapat melakukan cara berikut:
  • Pilih Start > Program > Macromedia > Flash 8
  • Pilih Ikon Flash 8   pada dekstop (Layar monitor).
Beberapa saat akan muncul jendela dialog seperti berikut.

Pilih Create New > Flash Document untuk memulai membuat file baru.
Pilih Open a Recent New > Open untuk membuka file flash.

B. Mengenal Jendela Kerja
1.    Mengenal Menu Dasar
Berikut merupakan tampilan standar jendela kerja Flash 8, saat Anda memulai membuat file baru.

Jendela kerja Flash 8 terdiri atas :
  • Menubar
Berisi kumpulan menu atau perintah-perintah yang digunakan dalam Flash 8.
•    Toolbar
Toolbar            merupakan      panel   berisi    berbagai          macam            tool.     Tool-tool          tersebut dikelompokkan   menjadi   empat   kelompok:          Tools;   berisi   tombol-tombol   untuk membuat  dan  mengedit  gambar,  View;  untuk  mengatur  tampilan  lembar  kerja, Colors; menentukan warna yang dipakai saat mengedit, Option; alat bantu lain untuk mengedit gambar.

Selection Tool 

Memilih dan memindahkan objek

Subselection Tool
Mengubah bentuk objek dengan edit points

Free Transform Tool
Mengubah ukuran atau memutar bentuk objek sesuai keinginan

Gradient Transform Tool
Mengubah warna gradasi

Line Tool
Membuat garis

Lasso Tool
Menyeleksi bagian objek yang akan diedit

Pen Tool
Membuat bentuk objek secara bebas berupa dengan titik-titik sebagai penghubung

Text Tool
Membuat teks (kata atau kalimat)

Oval Tool
Membuat objek elips atau lingkaran

Ractangle Tool
Membuat objek berbentuk segi empat atau segi banyak

Pencil Tool
Menggambar objek secara bebas

Brush Tool
Menggambar objek secara bebas dengan ukuran ketebalan dan bentuk yang sudah disediakan

Ink Bottle Tool
Memberi warna garis tepi (outline)

Paint Bucket Tool
Memberi warna pada objek secara bebas

Eyedropper Tool
Mengambil contoh warna

Eraser Tool
Menghapus objek

Flash 8 is a powerful tool created by Macromedia that has overcome the best expectations of its creators.
Macromedia Flash was originally created in an effort to realize colorful animations for the web as well as to create animated GIFs.
Designers, web professionals and amateurs have selected Flash 8 by many reasons. Further we will see why Flash 8 is interesting.

Why should I use FLASH 8?

The possibilities of Flash are extraordinary, each new version has outstripped the previous one, and the present Flash 8 is not an exception. Although its common usage is to create animations (during this tutorial we will see how easy it is) it has far more applications. They are so numerous that all web designers should learn how to use Flash.
Flash has been made up in order to fix the great lack in the Internet: that is, Dynamism. This dynamism does not imply only animations but rather interactive animations, which allow users to see the web as something attractive, not static (unlike most of the pages that are made by the use of the HTML language). With Flash we can easily and quickly create animations of all types.
It is easy to learn how to handle Flash, it has a friendly environment that invites us to sit down and spend hours making whatever our imagination suggests, but that is not sufficient to be preferred by professional designers. Then what is it?

From Flash MX 2004 to Flash 8

There are companies that improve their products just by the economic necessity. When it happens, users promptly notice this by the few improvements in the newer version. That is not the case of Flash 8, which continues considerably improving the new versions of its products following the Macromedia tradition.

If we thought that Flash 8 MX was already insuperable, do not miss the improvements that Flash 8 provides. These improvements consist in: easy handling, higher graphic potency and integration with programs of image edition, in having ability to import video, possibility to emulate your mobile devices video oriented, and for the begginers, the ActionScript wizard has come back. Let us analyze these advantages in more details:

Attractive Designs: Flash 8 allows the using of visual effects that will ease the creation of animations, presentations and forms more attractive and professional. Moreover, it supplies a new set of tools that will help you doing this easily and faster, such us filters and blend modes, added in this version.
Font Optimization: It also includes some readability options for small sized fonts, what makes our texts more comfortable to read. Also you can edit this optimization, allowing you to select the configuration preestablished for dynamic and static texts.
Consolidated Libraries: Now you can search any object existent in our movies faster, browsing our open libraries from a single panel.
More powerful animation: Flash 8 allows much more control of the interpolations setting a new edition mode form which you will edit the velocity the rotation, shape, color and movement are applied.
More powerful graphics: Avoid the unnecessary representation of vectorial objects setting an object as a bitmap. Although the object is converted to a bitmap, the vectorial data remains the same, so, in every moment, you can convert it again to a vectorial object.
Improvements in video importing: To ease the working with video formats, Flash 8 provides high-quality new independent codec, completely skinnable.
Metadata Compatibility: Include your SWF files in searching engines defining a title, description and/or keywords.
Mobile devices Emulator: Preview your Flash Lite compatible mobile devices movies oriented with the new emulator Flash 8 includes.
ActionScript Wizard: The ActionScript Wizard has come cack. Was deprecated in the last version, but now it has been retrieved and improved. Now ActionScript is at your reach

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